Buy Sanguirythrin Bottle 2 mg/ml, 50 ml
  • Buy Sanguirythrin Bottle 2 mg/ml, 50 ml


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Sanguirythrin is obtained from the grass of the maklea heart-shaped (Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R.Br.) and the macklea small-fruited (Macleaya microcarpa (Maxim.) Fedde) of the poppy family (Papaveraceae). Sanguirythrin is a mixture of bisulfate of two quaternary benzophenanthridine alkaloids Sanguinarine and chelerythrin, which are close in structure and properties.

Sanguirythrin has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, acts on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, yeast-like and micellar fungi. Active against atibiotic resistant strains of microorganisms. In therapeutic doses, it acts bacteriostatically. The mechanism of antimicrobial action of the drug Sanguirythrin is based on the inhibition of bacterial nuclease, violation of the processes of permeability of cell walls, division walls, nucleotide structure.


As a prophylactic: for newborns to prevent purulent-inflammatory skin diseases and for surgical patients to prevent wound infections.

As a remedy: for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes of bacterial and fungal etiology, including Candida albicans; in dentistry - with periodontitis, stomatitis, ulcerative necrotic gingivostomatitis and other lesions of the oral mucosa; in otolaryngology - with angina, diseases of the middle ear and external auditory canal; in surgery - with infected burns, wounds that do not heal for a long time and ulcers; in gynecology - with endocervicitis, colpitis, vaginitis, cervical erosion; in dermatology - with pyoderma, superficial blastomycosis, dermatomycosis.


Hypersensitivity to the drug, fungal lesions with eczematization. Diseases of the liver and kidneys with impaired function.

Dosage and administration

The drug is used topically and topically.

For newborns, treat the skin folds with the preparation 2 times a day for the first 5-6 days of life using a sterile cotton swab.

Periodontitis treatment is carried out after the removal of dental plaque and the purification of pathological gingival pockets. Introduce thin turundas into the gingival pockets for 20 minutes, abundantly moistened with the drug or its aqueous solution. Prepare an aqueous solution of the drug immediately before use. To prepare an aqueous solution, dilute the drug 40 times (1 teaspoon per 200 ml of warm boiled water). The procedure is repeated daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 4-6 procedures.

With stomatitis of various etiologies, in the affected area of ​​the oral mucosa, do the application of the drug 2-3 times a day for 2-5 days. Children from 5 years old should be rinsed with a warm aqueous solution of the drug. Children under 5 years old with stomatitis, lubricate the mucous membrane of the oral cavity with an aqueous solution of the drug.

With tonsillitis, treat the tonsils with the drug 1 time per day for 2-5 days. In addition, adults and children over 5 years of age should be rinsed 3-5 times a day with a warm aqueous solution of the drug. Children under 5 years old with this solution lubricate the mucous membrane of the oral cavity 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is 3-7 days.

In case of external otitis media, inject the turundas moistened with the preparation into the ear canal for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day. The minimum course of treatment is two weeks. In chronic suppurative otitis media, the drug should be instilled into adults 5-8 drops 2-3 times a day, for children 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day.

To prevent purulent-inflammatory complications, treat the wound daily with a sterile gauze swab, liberally moistened with a preparation, cover with a sterile cloth moistened with it, and apply a fixing bandage. After 3-4 days, re-treat the wound with the drug and apply a dry sterile dressing. The course is determined by the course of wound healing, with an uncomplicated course, the application period is 7-10 days.

To treat infected burns, wounds and ulcers, do not heal for a long time, open infected fractures, use an aqueous solution of the drug. Rinse wounds and ulcers with an aqueous solution of the drug, as well as apply dressings with the solution on the wound surface. With infected burns, dressings should be done every other day, with other wounds - 1-2 times a day daily. The duration of treatment depends on the nature and severity of the disease.

With endocervicitis, colpitis, vaginitis, cervical erosion, do douching, irrigation and lotions with a warm aqueous solution of the drug daily 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-10 procedures.

In case of pyoderma, superficial blastomycosis and dermatomycosis, including those complicated by mixed flora, the drug should be prescribed in the form of dressings or lubricated lesions every day 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the nature and severity of the disease.


The drug can be used in children, including newborns.


In case of an overdose, side effects of the drug may be enhanced. Treatment is symptomatic therapy.


active substance: sanguirythrin;

1 ml 2 mg Sanguirythrin;

Excipients: ethanol 96%, purified water.

Storage conditions

Store in the original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life is 3 years.

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