According to the mechanism of action, Rotocan is classified as a medicine that affects the digestive system, metabolism, as well as a group of drugs used in dentistry. dosage form is a liquid extract.
Rotocan Is a composition of liquid extracts of three plants: chamomile flowers (Matricaria chamomilla), calendula officinalis flowers, or marigolds (Calendula officinalis), as well as common yarrow (Achillea millefolium). In addition, the composition includes purified water and ethanol 96%.
Active chemicals RotocanaDue to the complex composition, quite a lot.
Chamomile flowers contain apiin flavonoid, which, when hydrolyzed, breaks down into three different compounds, including glucose. In chamomile inflorescences, there are chemical compounds that, at a certain temperature (heating), are converted to chamazulene. Flowers also contain active compounds - dioxicoumarins, umbelliferone and its derivatives; salicylic acid and ascorbic acid, tricantine with choline; bitterness, mucus and gums. The content of the essential oil in the flowers of the plant is 0.2–0.8%; it has the property of being transformed from green to brown during storage (oxidation process). The essential oil of this plant is rich in chemical compounds: sesquiterpenes, alpha-bisabolol and two types of acids - caprylic and isovalerianic. Glycosides of Matricaria chamomilla can have a weak effect, similar to atropine (like atropine, eliminate spasms of the abdominal organs).
Due to chamazulene, essential oil can have a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect.
Chamomile pharmacy extract has its effect in a comprehensive way:
-influences the development of the inflammatory process;
- shows a slight analgesic effect;
-accelerates the healing of various tissues and disinfects affected areas;
- eliminates spasms.
Calendula officinalis, or marigold. In the composition: carotenoids and flavonoids, thanks to which it has a therapeutic effect. Also included are polysaccharides and polyphenols, nitrogen-containing mucus; malic and ascorbic acid and only traces of salicylic acid.
Calendula in Rotocan promotes the healing of aphthae in the mouth, helps fight stomatitis and periodontitis. Affects the process of inflammation in the digestive tract, in particular with colitis and enterocolitis, on the outflow of bile. So characteristic of flowers smell is due to the presence of essential oil. Not only do the nails have an anti-inflammatory effect, they are also able to suppress the herpes virus and act against some flu viruses. The chemical compounds that make up calendula enhance tissue repair processes and favor both growth and improvement of granulation quality and acceleration of epithelization, the creation of a coarse scar in place of a wound.
Yarrow. This plant has been used since ancient times: the ancient Romans called it "war grass", since it stopped the blood of the wounded and helped heal the wound. Thanks to the enzyme achillein and vitamin K, the plant helps to stop any bleeding, including in the lungs, uterus, stomach, as well as with hemorrhoids and menstruation. Suffice it to say that by the strength of its effect on blood coagulation processes, the infusion of this plant is about 60% stronger than a solution of calcium chloride. But yarrow preparations do not cause the formation of blood clots. Moreover, the hemostatic effect is manifested regardless of the dosage form and method of use. In addition, yarrow is able to lower blood pressure.
The plant contains bitterness (the bitter taste of drugs), which, when used internally, stimulate the secretion of salivary glands and have the ability to potentiate the secretion of gastric juice and bile secretion. Yarrow can reduce flatulence.This plant can slow the development of seizures caused by exposure to strychnine. When used externally, yarrow preparations have an anti-burn effect. In addition to hemostatic effect, it has an effective anti-inflammatory effect, and also has a choleretic, antibacterial and hypoallergenic effect; stimulates the immune system, reduces the secretion of gastric juice; Helps prevent the development of varicose veins, as it positively affects the state of the walls of blood vessels.
The plant contains many different chemical compounds: polysaccharides, essential oil containing azulene, and other substances, including tannins, as well as acids, in particular, isovalerianic, acetic, and formic; alcohols - up to 20%.
The history of Rotocan in the pharmaceutical marketRotocan was created by employees of the All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR). In Ukraine, it is produced by Lubnyfarm OJSC.
At first it was assumed that the preparation will contain equally, 25 ml each, marigold and yarrow extracts, and chamomile extract will be 2 times more - 50 ml. It was supposed to have anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects, as well as improve the processes of restoration of damaged tissues after illness.
Research. In a preclinical study of a preparation containing chamomile and guaiazulene extract, and Rotocana differences in their action were identified. It turns out Rotocan it has a two-phase effect on the blood coagulation process: first, for 2 hours, it has a weak anticoagulant, and then a pronounced hemostatic effect, in contrast to the comparison drug.
In clinical studies, it was found that the drug is effective and safe. In particular, in Ukraine, the study was conducted at the Institute of Gastroenterology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Dnipro).
The studies involved patients with gastrointestinal diseases in the acute phase. As a result of the work, it was found that due to the use of Rotocana the condition of the patients has improved. In particular, flatulence was almost not revealed in patients, and the pain in the stomach almost disappeared, the stool returned to normal (with constipation and intestinal disorders).
In addition, only 1% of patients experienced an allergic skin rash, which immediately disappeared upon withdrawal Rotocana. The remaining patients tolerated the treatment well.
The results of clinical studies have shown that Rotocan well tolerated by patients with chronic gastritis and duodenitis in the acute phase. In patients with chronic enteritis and colitis in the exacerbation phase, a good result was also obtained.
Studies have also been conducted on the use of Rotocan in dentistry. 5 medical institutions took part in it. The studies involved patients with problems in the field of dentistry, in particular with periodontitis and acute and recurrent aphthous stomatitis, ulcerative necrotic gingivostomatitis. Found that during therapy Rotocan all patients showed positive dynamics.
1-2 days after taking the drug, the state of discomfort in the oral cavity, an unpleasant odor disappeared; swelling and redness decreased; the volume of purulent discharge significantly decreased, taste sensations resumed.
After 3 days of treatment with the drug in patients, it became possible to carry out further procedures - removing the formed granulations in the gum pockets and curettage. The positive reaction was that necrotic plaque was eliminated much faster in time when compared with the action of the drug, which contained chamomile extract and guaiazulene; In addition, a reduction in the healing time of the mucous membrane was observed (by 1-2 days).
The obtained therapeutic effect was confirmed by the data of an additional microbiological analysis.
Studies have confirmed the suggestion of the developers of the drug that it is thanks to the correct combination of 2 therapeutic effects - anti-inflammatory and hemostatic - Rotocan effective both when used internally and when used externally (Burova A., Konovalova O., Sokolskaya T., 1994).
Rotocan Benefits1. Completely natural composition, without additional synthetic substances and antibiotics.
2. The therapeutic effect of this drug is completely based on the natural antimicrobial action of plant extracts, which do not harm the human body and do not exert pressure on the liver.
Pharmacological action of Rotocan:- antimicrobial - acts on inflammatory processes, inhibiting the further reproduction of microorganisms;
- antispasmodic - eliminates spasms that cause pain;
- reducing capillary permeability;
- anti-inflammatory - accelerates the restoration of tissues, especially in the oral cavity, where the wounds heal regardless of origin heal long and painfully;
- improving trophic processes;
- hemostatic: stops bleeding and disinfects damaged tissues;
- wound healing and analgesic when using lotions;
- antioxidant.
IndicationsOtolaryngology: glossitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, as well as rhinitis (with ARVI) - inhalations and rinses are prescribed.
Gastroenterology: in the complex therapy of gastritis with reduced acidity; chronic colitis and enteritis; various gastroduodenitis; cholecystitis and functional dyspeptic disorders.
In proctological practice: with hemorrhoidal disease and other diseases of the rectum.
In dermatology: itching, insect bite wounds, small household burns, rash with acne. After processing Rotocan damaged areas of the skin are disinfected, and thus wound healing is accelerated.
In cosmetology, it is used in recipes for home cosmetics to combat age-related changes.
In addition, Rotocan can be used for the prevention of colds and as an immuno-strengthening agent.
Therapy of dental diseases: with aphthous stomatitis and ulcerative necrotic gingivostomatitis, after the procedure to remove plaque and to carry out the procedure for cleaning gingival pockets. In these cases, moistened Rotocan cotton swabs. In case of problems with the oral mucosa, it is recommended to hold the medicine in the mouth for 2 minutes or to lubricate the aphthae with moistened cotton buds. Such actions help accelerate healing and help eliminate discomfort.
Contraindications1. Functional disorders of the liver and kidneys, in particular pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis.
2. Hypersensitivity to plants contained in the drug.
3. Alcohol addiction.
4. Injuries to the skull and brain.
5. Age to 12 years.
6. The period of pregnancy and lactation. During pregnancy, due to the presence of ethanol and yarrow, the drug can only be used topically.
7. With increased blood coagulation and a tendency to thrombosis, when taken per os.
special instructions1. If the symptoms of the disease do not go away or, on the contrary, the patients condition worsens, you should immediately stop taking the drug, consult a doctor.
2. When used internally, do not exceed the doses indicated in the instructions.
3. In the treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcer, accompanied by increased acidity, Rotocan must be taken in combination with antacids and antispasmodics.
Dosage and administration of Rotocan.
For rinsing with ENT diseases - 1 tsp. funds in a glass of warm water. But the water temperature should be no more than 35–40 ° С.
In dental procedures, turunds are used, soaked in a diluted Rotocan solution. They are left in the oral cavity for 20 minutes.The procedure is carried out every day / every other day (during the day, turundas are administered 4-6 times). Applications, baths do 2-3 times a day (2-5 days).
Gastroenterologists apply two options: microclysters and oral administration. Orally taken 30 minutes before or 1 hour after a meal. The dose is ½ or 1/3 cups (1 tsp. per cup of warm boiled water) 3-4 times a day.
The procedure for the introduction of microclysters: 1 tsp. the drug is dissolved in 50 or 100 ml of optimal water temperature, the procedure is carried out 1-2 p / day, only after cleansing the intestine. The duration of therapy is 15–20 days. Douching: 1 tbsp. l in ½ liter of boiled water. The duration of treatment is 3-7 days (G. Sakovich et al., 2000).
Release without a doctor’s prescription; 55 and 110 ml in vials.
Conclusion. Rotocan is an effective drug used in the treatment of minor ulcers or aphthae, to prevent the development of inflammation after the procedure for removing tartar, as well as for sore throat; in complex therapy for gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.