The drug contains 4 testosterone esters, which have a different speed of action. in men, testosterone is necessary for the functioning of the gonads, the formation of the external genital organs, prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and secondary sexual characteristics (male voice timbre, male-type hair growth, etc.). in the female body, testosterone is antagonistic to estrogens. has a positive effect in menopausal disorders.
Omnadren 250 is a mixture of testosterone esters, which after i / m administration are slowly absorbed at different speeds, which allows you to maintain a relatively constant level of testosterone in the blood. The drug is prescribed with an interval of 4 weeks. In the blood, almost 98% of testosterone binds to a specific fraction of globulins that binds testosterone and estradiol. Biotransformation occurs in the liver to various 17-ketosteroids, which, after conjugation with glucuronic or sulfuric acid, are excreted in the urine (about 90%). About 6% of the absorbed drug is excreted in the feces in an unbound form. T½ testosterone is 10–100 minutes.
In men - hypogonadism, delayed puberty, postcastration syndrome, impotence caused by progesterone deficiency, impaired spermatogenesis.
In women - in exceptional cases with diseases that are accompanied by hyperestrogenia.
The dose is set individually. as a rule, 1 ml of solution is administered to adults IM after 14 days; upon reaching the therapeutic effect - 1 ml / m after 28 days. the drug can not be entered in / in! the duration of treatment is set individually. a decrease in the transparency of the oil solution and the appearance of flocculent sediment formations do not indicate the unsuitability of the drug. the transparency of the solution is restored after heating the ampoule in warm water.
Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug; known or suspected breast or prostate cancer; hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, liver tumors at the moment or in history.
Acne, gynecomastia, edema, hypersensitivity reactions (skin-allergic reactions), frequent erections, manifestations of hypercalcemia. in older men - excessive sexual arousal, impaired sperm maturation, increased activity of aminotransferases in the blood, increased libido, fluid retention in the body. in women with prolonged use of the drug, virilization symptoms are possible. pain, itching, and hyperemia at the injection site are possible.
Prolonged use of the drug in high doses can cause the development of hepatic purpura, liver tumors. the use of omnadren 250 as a dope may cause serious side effects. the period of pregnancy is an absolute contraindication for use. there is no data on the allocation of testosterone with breast milk. if treatment with the drug is necessary, breast-feeding should be discontinued.
Inducers of microsomal liver enzymes (rifampicin, barbiturates, carbamazepine, salicylates, phenylbutazone, phenytoin) can reduce the effectiveness of testosterone. androgenic drugs can lower the concentration of glucose in the blood serum and reduce the need for insulin.
In the dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C.