Complex homeopathic medicine.
Mulimen regulates the neurohormonal function of the female genital organs. It has antispasmodic, sedative and analgesic effects. The action of the drug is based on the activation of the bodys defenses and the normalization of impaired functions due to substances of plant, mineral and animal origin, which are part of the drug.
Premenstrual syndrome, algodismenorea, other disorders of the menstrual cycle (hypomenstrual syndrome - opsenomenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, amenorrhea and hypermenstrual syndrome - proyomenorrhea, hypermenorrhea, polymenorrhea, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia; dysfunctional uterine bleeding, including clinical menopause, and hormonal syndrome) , spastic parameropathy, mastopathy.
Single dose: for women and girls of puberty, apply 10–20 drops 3-5 times a day 15–20 minutes before meals or 1 hour after. drops to dissolve in 10 ml of water and drink, holding for a few seconds in the mouth. in acute cases, take 10 drops every 30 minutes for the first 2-3 hours, then switch to the above dosage.
The course of treatment is 4-12 weeks. The frequency of administration and the duration of the course is determined by the doctor.
Childrens age up to 12 years.
Unknown. in case of any unusual reactions, consult your doctor.
Patients with menstrual irregularities need to consult a doctor before using this medication.
If you have symptoms that are persistent, unidentified, or recent, you should consult a specialist, as they can be caused by a condition that requires medical examination and treatment.
Use during pregnancy and lactation. The drug is not used in pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.
The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles and working with other mechanisms. The drug contains ethanol, which should be considered when driving or working with other mechanisms.
Children. The drug is recommended for use in patients of puberty.
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At a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.