Combined herbal preparation for local use in dentistry. It has antiseptic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, astringent, local anesthetic and stimulating regeneration effects. with local use of the drug, hyperemia of soft tissues and increased exudation are first noted. the presence of ammonium chloride in a hypertonic concentration leads to a decrease in exudation, neutralization of toxic substances in periodontal pockets, and stimulates recovery processes. due to its fibrosing effect at the end of the course of treatment, an increase in collagen fibrils and their compaction, a significant decrease in edema and bleeding are noted. regular use of maraslavin after complete removal of tartar and root surface treatment eliminates bad breath. the drug leads to a decrease in hypersensitivity when exposing the necks of the teeth and shifts the pH to the acid side, thus acting bacteriostatically on the fusospirillosis microflora existing in the oral cavity. gum papillae fit snugly against the necks of the teeth. the depth of periodontal pockets, measured by special periodontal probes, is significantly reduced.
Pontic wormwood herb, which is part of the preparation, contains active active ingredients - essential oils, among which blue-green essential oil has the highest activity. It also contains alcohol thujol, ketone thujone, terpenes, acetic and isovaleric acid.
The main pharmacological properties of wormwood during systemic use is the stimulation of salivation (saliva has a bactericidal effect); stimulation of taste buds. When applied topically, it accelerates the regeneration and healing of wounds and ulcers.
Savory garden contains essential oil carvacrol and paracimol, tannins, mucous substances. It has an astringent, bactericidal, antispasmodic effect.
Clove buds contain essential oils: eugenol, acetoevgenol, vanillin and karyofilen. Clove essential oils are used in dental practice as antiseptic agents, and they also have an analgesic effect.
Black pepper contains approximately 1.2–2.6% of essential oils, which determine its antimicrobial and therapeutic effects in periodontal disease.
Stimulates taste nerve receptors and helps increase gastric secretion and saliva. It also has an insecticidal effect.
The composition of the drug also includes ginger. It contains up to 3% of essential oils, arylalkanes, gingerdiols and starch. These main components determine the following pharmacological effects: stimulation of salivation, gastric and biliary secretion, antiemetic, antioxidant, antiplatelet, antilipidemic and anti-inflammatory effects.
Essential oils of different types of medicinal plants of different composition in the preparation cause a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect of the combination. The presence in the composition of the solution of tannins, acids and dyes promotes the antiexudative, antihemorrhagic and local anesthetic effect of the combination.
There is no data on the pharmacokinetics of the individual constituent parts and their combination when applied topically in the gum or gingival pockets.
The drug is intended for topical use.
Adults and children over the age of 14: Before starting treatment, the dentist conducts a complete mechanical therapy of the entire dentition, including the removal of supra- and subgingival calculus and plaque, polishing and curettage without lambo with a periodontal pocket depth of up to 5.5 mm. Existing iatrogenic factors are corrected, and according to indications, selective grinding is performed to remove existing traumatic occlusion.
The drug is dosed in 10-15 ml for rinsing the mouth for 2-3 months at intervals. It is necessary to conduct at least 17–20 sessions per month. After completion of active treatment, maintenance therapy is carried out with follow-up examinations every 5-6 months. The last examination is carried out 12 months after the start of therapy.
Allergic reactions are possible.
It is necessary to take into account that due to the content of a large number of organic acids, the solution exhibits a weak demineralizing effect on hard dental tissues, and it should not be recommended for tooth decay and dentition disorders (tooth congestion, malocclusion).
First, it is necessary to carry out general sanitation of teeth by orthopedic methods. Vitamin A and C supplemented with vitamins are recommended for the patient. During the treatment period, the use of spicy and irritating foods (garlic, onions, nuts, etc.) is prohibited, do not brush your teeth with toothpaste with toothpaste or use disinfectant liquids to rinse your mouth. The mouth is rinsed with cool water in the morning and evening. Avoid prolonged sun exposure.
Use during pregnancy and lactation. There are no systematic studies of the effect of the drug during pregnancy or lactation, therefore, during these periods, the drug should be used under the supervision of a doctor and only after a thorough assessment of the benefit / risk ratio.
Children. Due to insufficient clinical experience, the use of the drug in children under the age of 14 years is not recommended.
The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms. There is no data.
There are currently no data on overdose.
In a dry, dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C. do not freeze!