Short acting insulin. the onset of action is 30 minutes after sc administration, the maximum effect is achieved 1-3 hours after injection, the duration of action is 6-8 hours. Compared to actrapid, ms is faster absorbed from the injection site.
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (with resistance to oral hypoglycemic agents, decompensation states with intercurrent diseases, surgical interventions, during pregnancy, as part of combination therapy).
The dose of the drug is set individually. administered s / c, v / m, iv. when transferring a patient from highly purified porcine insulin to human insulin, the dose remains the same; when transferring from bovine or mixed insulin, the dose must be reduced by 10% (at a dose exceeding 0.6 units / kg per day). administration up to 5-6 times a day is possible depending on the treatment regimen. administered 30 minutes before meals. with individual selection combined with long-acting insulins. when mixing insulin in one syringe, actrapid nm should be typed first.
The bottle used can be stored at room temperature (not higher than 25 ° C) for 6 weeks.
Hypoglycemia, insulinoma.
Allergic reactions are possible (less common than with insulin of animal origin).
Perhaps the development of hypoglycemia with an overdose, starvation or with excessive physical exertion. manifested by cold sweat, tachycardia, increased excitability, chills, in severe cases - the development of coma. mild reactions are stopped by the intake of sugar or sugar-containing products; in severe cases, glucagon administration is indicated.
In the package, in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2–8 ° c, not freezing; Protect from direct sunlight.