Aesculus compositum
Structure: 100 g of solution contain: Aesculus hippocastanum D1 10 g; Secale cornutum D3, Viscum album D2, Tabacum D10, Solanum nigrum D6, Arnica montana D3, Echinacea angustifolia D2, Baptisia tinctoria D4, Rhus toxicodendron D4, Cuprum metallicum D13, Ruta graveolens D4, Solanum dulcamum Dumcamum Dumcamodum 4 , Hamamelis virginiana D4, Apis mellifica D4, Acidum benzoicum e resina D4, Eupatorium cannabinum D3, Arteria suis D10, Natrium pyruvicum D8, 1 g each. Excipients: ethanol 35% vol.
Indications for use Aesculus compositum (Aesculus compositum):
Peripheral circulatory disorders, namely:
· chronic venous insufficiency, lymphostasis;
· cerebrovascular insufficiency, vertebro-basilar insufficiency;
· varicose veins, hemorrhoids;
· post-stroke and post-infarction conditions;
· obliterating endarteritis, intermittent claudication, arteriosclerosis;
· postembolic circulatory disorders;
· microangiopathies, including diabetic foot, retinopathy);
· impaired venous outflow in children with minimal cerebral dysfunction;
· bedsores, trophic ulcer of the leg.
Contraindications: Pregnancy. Hypersensitivity to Rhus from the genus Anacardiaceae or to other active components from the genus Compositae.
special instructions
With hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, due to the content of the component Barium iodatum D6 containing iodine in the preparation, an increase in the functional activity of the thyroid gland is possible. Therefore, Esculus compositum is recommended to be used only under the supervision of a physician.
Side effects: In some cases, a hypersensitivity reaction may develop.
Dosage and route of use of Aesculus compositum:Single dose:for adults 10 drops eachchildren up to 2 years - 3 drops each, from 2 to 6 years old - 5 drops each, from 6 years old - 10 drops per appointment. The drug should be taken 3 times a day sublingually 30 minutes before meals or an hour after (a single dose can be previously diluted in 5 ml of water). The average duration of treatment is 3-6 weeks. ATacute cases take an age-related single dose every 15 minutes. to improve the general condition, but not more than 2 hours. Then take 3 times a day.
Interaction with other drugs: without features.
Aesculus compositum consists of20 potentiated componentstropic to arteries, veins and capillaries of the microvasculature. Pathogenetic characteristics and indications of individual components:
suis organ: |
Arteria suis D10(from artery) |
Arterial circulation disorders, including diabetes mellitus, intermittent claudication, spasms of the calf muscles, tendency to gangrene. |
biocatalysts: |
Natrium pyruvicum D8(sodium salt of pyruvic acid |
Disorders of central and peripheral blood circulation, including diabetes mellitus (especially), trophic ulcers, lower leg gangrene, frostbite. Marble skin. Angina pectoris. Arrhythmia (tachycardia, bradycardia) with greatly reduced pressure. |
Acidum benzoicum e resina D4(benzoic acid) |
Rheumatic, gouty (uric acid diathesis) joint diseases. |
vegetable: |
Aesculus hippocastanum D1(Horse chestnut) |
Venous stasis, especially in the portal vein system, hemorrhoidal nodes, paresthesia, varicose nodes. Headaches with a feeling of severe heaviness, especially in the frontal part, with dizziness, with pain in the back of the head and flickering before the eyes. |
Secale cornutum D3(dried uterine horns - poisonous mushrooms (ergot) parasitizing on ears of rye) |
Peripheral circulatory disorders in diseases of the arteries, leading to gangrene. Tendency to bleeding. Sensation of numbness, creeping goosebumps on the skin. Cramps and numbness of limbs. Gangrene, especially in diabetics, has varicose ulcers. |
Viscum album D2(Mistletoe) |
High blood pressure, sudden bouts of dizziness. Phases of impregnation, precancerous diseases and neoplasms. Melancholy, hysteroepilepsy. |
Tabacum d10(Tobacco) |
Hypotension, angiospasm, intermittent claudication, collapse with trembling and cooling extremities. Angina pectoris, pain in the left hand. Neuralgia. Dizziness, Menieres disease.Migraine. |
Solanum nigrum D6(Nightshade black) |
Increased nervous irritability, disorientation, symptoms of irritation of the meninges, epileptiform convulsions. |
Arnica montana d3(Arnica mountain) |
Hemorrhages, soft tissue damage, brain concussion. Brain stroke. Diseases of arteries (especially) and veins. |
Echinacea angustifolia d2(Echinacea narrow-leaved) |
Inflammation of any kind, sepsis, fever. It is an "internal antiseptic" acting on the lymphatic system. The negative effects of vaccinations. |
Baptisia tinctoria d4(Indigo) |
Confusion, weakness. Severe infectious diseases (septic conditions) with fever. Encephalitis, meningitis. |
Rhus toxicodendron d4(Sumy is poisonous) |
Rheumatic pains in bones, periosteum, joints, tendons and muscles. The consequences of injuries and overstrain. |
Ruta graveolens d4(Ruta odorous) |
High fatigue, fatigue, physical strain. Phlebeurysm. |
Dulcamara d4(Bitter nightshade) |
Rheumatic diseases, stiffness and numbness of the back, rheumatic pains in the limbs and joints, accompanied by weakness, numbness and deafness due to colds, exposure to rain. The onset or worsening of symptoms and complaints during wet and cold weather. |
Colchicum autumnale D4(Colchicum autumn) |
Gout in the acute and chronic stages. Rheumatism. Rheumatoid arthritis, tenosynovitis, muscle pain with loss of sensitivity in certain areas. Edema in diseases of the heart and kidneys. |
Hamamelis virginiana d4(Witch hazel) |
Venous diseases: varicose veins, hemorrhoids, venous bleeding, bleeding of the mucous membranes and skin. Thrombophlebitis and varicose ulcers. Vomiting of dark blood. |
Eupatorium cannabinum D3(Chiropractor) |
Folk remedy for blood purification in diseases of the liver, gall bladder and spleen. Fever. |
mineral: |
Cuprum metallicum D13(metal copper) |
Epilepsy. Spasms of blood vessels, including coronary. Neurosis, arteriosclerosis. Skeletal cramps (especially calf muscles) and smooth muscles. |
Barium iodatum d6 |
Increased blood pressure, cerebral and coronary atherosclerosis, senile heart. |
animal origin: |
Apis mellifica D4(honey bee) |
Inflammatory processes, diseases accompanied by accumulation of fluid in tissues or cavities, as well as general swelling. Allergy. |
Such a complex composition of the drug Esculus compositum provides the following pharmacological action:
· venotonic;
· phlebodynamic;
· decongestant.
Additionally, the drug also provides:
· antispasmodic;
· vasodilating effect;
· improves rheological properties of blood.
The safety of the drug is due to ultra-low doses of the active substances of components of plant, animal and mineral origin, which are not metabolized by the liver and kidneys, and therefore do not have a toxic load on the body.
Due to its unique composition and biotherapeutic action, Esculius compositum has long been used in world medical practice by neuropathologists, endocrinologists, therapists, family doctors, general practitioners, and neuroscientists.