The pharmacological activity of the drug is determined by the content of low molecular weight biologically active peptides in it, which are characterized by immunomodulating, reparative, antioxidant and antihypoxic effects.
The main immunomodulating effect of the drug is manifested primarily through exposure to the macrophage link responsible for the repair of damaged cells and restoration of the functional activity of organs and tissues, as well as through NK cells (CD3—16+56+) and T-killers (CD3+16+56+), responsible for the destruction of damaged cells, incapable of regeneration, or abnormal cells. At the same time, the drug has an immunocorrective effect and, in case of impaired immune status, contributes to its normalization by activating T-lymphocytes, Th1-helpers and T-killers, which is important for restoring the balance between cellular and humoral immunity.
The reparative properties of the drug are due to its immunomodulatory effect, manifested by an increase in the activity of macrophages (which determine the repair of damaged cells and the restoration of the functional activity of organs and tissues), as well as N- and T-killers, which are responsible for the destruction of damaged cells that are unable to regenerate.
The antioxidant effect of the drug is manifested due to inhibition of LPO processes, increased activity of the glutathione-dependent antioxidant blood system, without changes in the activity of microsomal oxidation enzymes and the content of cytochrome P450, as well as the membrane-stabilizing effect at the level of plasma membranes.
The drug realizes antihypoxic properties by increasing oxygen consumption in tissues and improving tissue respiration as a result of increased electron transport in mitochondria, restoration of the proton gradient on their membranes, and shift of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the right, that is, it enhances oxygen delivery to tissues.
The drug is non-toxic, devoid of cumulative toxicity, allergenic, teratogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic properties.
Pharmacokinetics Not studied.
In complex therapy:
Erbisol extra is used exclusively as part of complex therapy and is given i / m daily for 2–4 ml for 20–30 days, 2 times a day, preferably in the morning, at 06: 00–08: 00, 1–2 hours before meals (in the treatment of pancreatic diseases - at 09: 00–11: 00 2-3 hours after eating), and in the evening, before going to bed, at 20: 00-22: 00, 2-3 hours after eating.
In the complex treatment of neurological diseases (demyelinating polyneuropathies, Parkinsons disease), Erbisol Extra is prescribed i / m daily 2 times a day: at 06: 00–08: 00 and 20: 00–22: 2, 2 ml for the first 3 days, the following 10–20 days are administered twice: at 6: 00–08: 00 in 4 ml and at 20: 22–22: 2 in 2 ml, and then for 2–7 days - 2 times in 2 ml.
In the complex treatment of neurological disorders associated with cerebrovascular accident (after a stroke), in the post-infarction period, Erbisol Extra is recommended to be prescribed 7-10 days after the epicrisis IM 2 ml daily for 20-30 days.
As part of the complex therapy of coronary heart disease, and peripheral circulation disorders, the drug is prescribed IM 2 times a day, 2 ml for 20 days.
In complex treatment for obliterating vascular diseases, the drug is administered iv in a drip of 4 ml diluted in 250 ml of physiological solution for 1-2 hours. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.
As part of complex therapy for ulcerative colitis, Erbisol Extra is prescribed i / m daily 2 times 2 ml in the morning and evening for 20-30 days, and then daily 4 ml in the morning and 2 ml in the evening for 20-30 days, and then 2 ml daily in the morning and evening for 10–20 days.
In the complex treatment of wounds, periodontitis and periodontal disease, the first 10 days are prescribed IM daily 2 times a day, 2 ml in the morning and evening, and the next 10 days, if necessary, 2 ml in the morning. With generalized periodontitis, Erbisol Extra applications and electrophoresis from the anode (+) to the gums are additionally prescribed.
Comprehensive treatment of hepatoses, hepatitis, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, diffuse diseases of connective tissue, traumatic lesions of tissues and organs, trophic ulcers of various etiologies, pressure sores, to accelerate the consolidation of bone fragments, as well as to increase compensatory and protective functions of the body, increase physical activity and total life tone Erbisol Extra is prescribed IM daily 2 times 2 ml in the morning and evening for 20 days, or 2 ml in the morning for the first 3 days, and the next 10 days are administered two rows 2 ml morning and evening, then - 7 days to 2 ml in the morning.
During the complex treatment of pancreatitis, Erbisol Extra is prescribed IM twice daily during the first 10–20 days: 2 ml in the morning, at 09: 00–11: 00, and in the evening, at 20: 00–22: 00, and then the following 10-20 days - 2 ml in the morning.
As part of complex therapy for diabetes during the first 20 days, Erbisol Extra is prescribed IM twice daily: 2 ml in the morning at 09: 00–11: 00 and in the evening at 20: 00–22: 00, and then the next 10 days - 2 ml in the morning. The course of treatment can be repeated 2-3 times a year.
Children. The safety and efficacy of the drug has not been studied in children, therefore, children are not recommended to prescribe it.
Individual intolerance, hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.
Possible increase in hell and body temperature. hypersensitivity reactions are possible.
With increased acidity of gastric juice, antisecretory and antacid preparations should be used.
With increased blood pressure, as well as in the phase of exacerbation of the pathological process, the drug should be used with caution, reducing the dose. The first 5 days, take 1 time in 2 ml in the morning, and then 2 times in 2 ml and further, according to the instructions.
In some cases, during the first 2–5 days of use, the drug can cause an exacerbation of the chronic inflammatory process, which in most cases is a stage of the treatment process.
Use during pregnancy and lactation. Studies on the effectiveness of the drug Erbisol Extra during pregnancy and lactation have not been conducted, so Erbisol Extra should not be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.
The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms. The effect on the reaction rate when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms has not been studied. The ability of the drug Erbisol Extra to affect the reaction rate when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms is unlikely.
Erbisol extra enhances the effect of antibacterial agents, exogenous interferons and at the same time reduces their toxic effect. for the effective implementation of the directed immunomodulating effect, erbisol extra is not recommended for use with immunomodulators that stimulate humoral immunity. Erbisol extra increases the sensitivity of receptors, therefore, with the simultaneous use of hormonal drugs and biostimulants with it, their dose should be controlled, reducing it if necessary.
Incompatibility. For the effective implementation of targeted immunomodulatory effects, Erbisol Extra should not be used simultaneously with:
Short-term increased excitability is possible, which does not require specific therapy.
At a temperature of 4-12 ° c out of the reach of children. during storage, the appearance of opalescence is allowed.