Cralonin (Cralonin)
Structure: 100 ml of the solution contains: Crataegus (70 ml; Spigelia anthelmia D2, Kalium carbonicum D3 1 ml each. Excipients: ethanol 45% by volume.
Indications Cralonin (Cralonin):
Contraindications Cralonin (Cralonin): are absent.
Side effects: not identified.
Dosage and route of administration of Cralonin (Cralonin):
adults, 10 drops (if necessary, an increase in dose to 15-20 drops is possible),
children under 2 years old - 3 drops,
from 2 to 6 years old - 5 drops,
from 6 years old - 10 drops per reception.
The drug is taken 3 times a day sublingually (can be orally, previously diluted in 5 ml / teaspoon / water) for 30 minutes. before meals or an hour after. The daily dose can be dissolved in a glass of water and drunk during the day in small sips (holding the solution in the mouth).
In acute attacks of pain and palpitations (usually in adults), take 10 drops every 15 minutes (but not more than 2 hours in a row), and if the condition improves, switch to the usual dosage.
Interaction with other drugs: without features.
Pharmacological properties of Cralonin (Cralonin)
The fruits of hawthorn (Crataegus), as well as separately flowers with leaves in the form of tincture or extract, have long been used in medicine. Hawthorn reduces pain, relieves heaviness and constriction in the heart, increases the strength of heart contractions, regulates blood pressure (high - lowers, lowers - increases), reduces the excitability of the nervous system, promotes deep, calm and long sleep. Hawthorn preparations are used for angina pectoris, hypertension, atherosclerosis, neuropsychic arousal, as well as for menopausal neurosis.
Currently, in the pharmacy network, you can mainly find only tincture of the fruits of the hawthorn or the fruits themselves, from which the broth is prepared. However, with spasms of coronary vessels, the extract of hawthorn flowers with leaves turned out to be much more effective than tincture of fruits.
A unique combination of medicinal properties of fruits with flowers and leaves of hawthorn combined in the drug Cralonin. Alcohol extracts from the leaves, flowers and fruits of hawthorn in this preparation are contained in a dynamized form f (fita), which brings additional medicinal properties to the preparation (homeopathic potentiation effect).
Spigelia (Anthelmintic Spigelia) is used for heart palpitations, heart valve defects with loud tones, stitching pains in the heart (endocarditis), angina attacks with irradiation in the left arm and left eye. Kalium carbonicum (potassium carbonate) is effective for stitching pains in the heart, arrhythmias that occur after infectious diseases, valve disease with myocardial weakness, anasarca, general weakness.
Spigelia and Kalium carbonicum complement and enhance the therapeutic effect of Crataegus on the cardiovascular system, the healing effect is faster and lasts longer than conventional hawthorn preparations.
Cralonin (Cralonin) has an effect:
With overloads and physiological processes of aging, Cralonin acts primarily on the affected heart muscle, supporting its functionality (enhances myocardial blood supply and regulates blood pressure). Under the influence of the drug, not only pain in the heart area disappears, but the number of heart contractions also decreases, the need for myocardium in oxygen decreases, blood circulation improves, edema resolves.The regulatory effect of the drug on blood pressure through the central and peripheral circulation was revealed. Antiarrhythmic effect is achieved by lengthening the refractory phase. Cralonin also has a calming effect, so that additional prescription of sedatives is not required.
Cralonin does not have toxic side effects with prolonged use or overdose.