Buy Celanide Tablets 0.25 mg, 30 tablets
  • Buy Celanide Tablets 0.25 mg, 30 tablets

Celanid® [Lanatoside C]

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Name: Celanidum (Celanidum)

Pharmachologic effect:
It acts on the heart like other digitalis glycosides, causes a quick effect and accumulates little (it accumulates little in the body).

Indications for use:
Acute and chronic circulatory failure stage I, II and III, tachyarrhythmic form of atrial fibrillation (heart rhythm disturbance), paroxysmal tachycardia (heart rhythm disturbance).

Mode of application:
Assign inside in tablets (0.25 g) or drops (0.05% solution), as well as intravenously (0.02% injection). To obtain a quick effect, 0.2-0.4 mg (1-2 ml of a 0.02% solution) is administered intravenously 1-2 times in knocking. Inside, take, starting with 0.25-0.5 mg (1-2 tablets) or 10-25 drops of a 0.05% solution 3-4 times a day (daily doses sometimes exceed the highest daily doses prescribed by the Pharmacopoeia). Upon achievement of the therapeutic effect (when administered intravenously, usually on the 2nd-3rd day, and when taken orally on the 3rd-3rd day), the daily dose is reduced to the maintenance dose: 0.4-0.2 mg (2-1 ml 0, 02% solution) intravenously; 0.5-0.25 mg (2-1 tablet) or 40-20-10 drops of a 0.05% solution inside. For long-term maintenance therapy, 1/2 tablet is prescribed orally 2 times a day.
Highest doses for adults: single inside - 0.0005 g (0.5 mg), daily - 0.001 g (1 mg); in a single vein - 0.0004 g (0.4 mg), daily - 0.0008 g (0.8 mg).

Side effects:
With an overdose of celanide, extrasystole, bigeminia (heart rhythm disturbances), rhythm dissociation (a change in the source of the heart rhythm) may appear; in these cases, it is necessary to reduce the dose at subsequent administrations and increase the intervals between individual infusions, to prescribe potassium preparations. With a sharp slowdown in the pulse, the injections are stopped. Nausea and vomiting are possible.

Sharp organic changes in the heart and blood vessels, acute myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscles), endocarditis (a disease of the internal cavities of the heart), severe cardiosclerosis (destructive changes in the heart muscle). Caution is required for thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease) and atrial extrasystole (a type of heart rhythm disturbance).

Release form:
Tablets of 0.25 mg in a package of 30 pieces; ampoules of 1 ml of a 0.02% solution in a package of 10 pieces; 10 ml vials of 0.05% solution.

Storage conditions:
List A. In the dark place.

Isolanide, Lanatoside S, Cedisanol, Cedistabil, Cedilanide, Celadigal, Ceglunate, Crystallanate C, Digilanide C, Lanacroist, Lanatigen C.

Glycoside obtained from digitalis woolly leaves (DigitalislanataEhrh.).

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