Active ingredient: diamond green;
100 ml of the solution contains brilliant green - 1 g;
excipient: ethanol 60%.
Solution for external use, alcohol 1%.
Basic physical and chemical properties: intensively green liquid with the smell of alcohol.
Antiseptic and disinfectants. code atx d08a x.
Antiseptic for external and local use. It has an antimicrobial effect. The drug is active against gram-positive bacteria.
The drug is local action. Data on absorption in the blood and inclusion in the metabolic processes of the body have not been identified.
Purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin (pyoderma, furunculosis, carbunculosis, blepharitis) of a light form, as well as the treatment of the surgical field, skin after surgery and injuries.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
When used simultaneously with preparations for external use containing organic compounds, it can denature proteins, forming new compounds. not compatible with disinfectants that contain active iodine, chlorine, alkali (including ammonia solution). with the simultaneous use of any other medicines for local use, you should inform your doctor.
Do not allow the drug to get into the eyes, on the mucous membranes, since the alcohol contained in the drug can cause burns, severe irritation. the activity of the drug is significantly reduced in the presence of blood serum. do not violate the rules for the use of the drug, this can harm health.
Does not affect.
Apply to the surface of the skin, if its integrity is violated, cover surrounding healthy tissues. with eye diseases, lubricate the edges of the eyelids.
Not observed.
Allergic reactions (including pruritus, urticaria). when the solution enters the mucous membrane of the eye, burning, lacrimation occurs, burns may occur. in case of occurrence of any adverse events, you must consult a doctor!
2 years. the drug can not be used after the expiration date indicated on the package.
In the dark place at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.
20 ml in dropper bottles.
Over the counter.
Public Joint-Stock Company “Scientific-Production Center“ Borshchag Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant ”.
Ukraine, 03134, Kiev, st. peace, 17.