allohol improves the secretory function of liver cells, causing a moderate choleretic effect. stimulates the synthesis of bile acids; increases the osmotic gradient between bile and blood, which leads to increased filtration into bile capillaries of water and electrolytes; accelerates the flow of bile along the biliary tract, preventing the spread of infection, and reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process; reduces the possibility of xc precipitation with subsequent formation of stones. the process of cholate formation occurs mainly due to taurocholic and deoxycholic acids contained in dry bile. an increase in the release of bile into the intestinal lumen promotes a reflex increase in the secretory and motor activity of the digestive tract, improves emulsification of edible fats and the digestive process as a whole. the components of garlic, which are part of the drug, contribute to the inhibition of fermentation in the intestines, reducing flatulence.
Pharmacokinetics The drug is well absorbed in the intestine, then partially reabsorbed; the rest is excreted in the feces.
As part of a comprehensive treatment: chronic cholecystitis, gallbladder dyskinesia, postcholecystectomy syndrome, atonic constipation, uncomplicated gallbladder cholesterosis.
Adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day after meals for 3-4 weeks. then - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day after meals for 1-2 months. if necessary, the treatment is repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 3 months. the first signs of improvement usually appear on the 5-8th day after the start of treatment (a decrease in the severity of pain in the right hypochondrium, the disappearance of dyspeptic phenomena).
Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, acute hepatitis, gallstone disease, obstructive jaundice, spasm of the sphincter of oddy, acute pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage, acute enterocolitis.
Manifestations of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (allergic reactions), diarrhea.
With urolithiasis, the drug is used with caution.
During pregnancy and breastfeeding. The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is possible only after consulting a doctor who will determine the benefit / risk ratio.
The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or working with mechanisms. There is no data on the negative effect of the drug on the reaction rate when driving vehicles or working with mechanisms.
Children. Do not use.
Concomitant use of allochol with:
choleretics of synthetic or plant origin - enhances bile secretion;
laxatives - eliminates constipation;
fat-soluble vitamins - contributes to their better absorption;
antiseptics or chemotherapeutic agents - improves the therapeutic effectiveness of the latter in infectious processes in the liver or biliary tract;
drugs containing aluminum hydroxide, colestyramine, colestipol, - reduces absorption and reduces the effect of Allochol; their simultaneous reception is impractical.
To date, cases of overdose have not been reported. with prolonged use in doses exceeding the recommended, the following symptoms are possible: diarrhea, nausea, itching of the skin, increased levels of transaminases in the blood. treatment. drug withdrawal, symptomatic therapy, no specific antidote.
In the original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.
Allohol is a drug that has been dispensed in our pharmacies for more than 50 years.Despite the huge selection of medicines in pharmacies over the years, the drug remains popular. Of course, the huge role in this is played by the price and the fact that it belongs to OTC drugs. and yet lets see why it is so popular and whether it is worth treating even such traditional and proven medicines without due care.
Allochol is a choleretic drug related to choleretics, that is, enhancing the secretion of bile. There are also cholekinetics - drugs that increase the contractility of the gallbladder, and cholespasmolytics, that is, drugs that relax the biliary tract during spasm. These groups of drugs are united by the fact that they stimulate bile secretion. Besides, Allochol It has a mild anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect (Kharkevich D.A., 2006). Lets see what these effects are due to.
Consider the composition of the drugNature is an inexhaustible source of natural remedies for our health. So, the nettle is dioecious (namely its leaves), one of the components Allohol, has long been used in traditional medicine. Nettle has long been known as a remedy for bleeding. It was used as a general strengthening, invigorating plant (Sokolov S.Ya., 1993).
It is considered useful for atherosclerosis. Separately, it should be noted the use of nettle in cholecystitis, diseases of the digestive tract. Nettle is characterized by anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to restore the mucous membrane in patients with the above diseases. It acts as a prokinetics not only for the gallbladder, but also for the intestine. Chlorophyll, a large amount of which is contained in the leaves of this plant, is useful for anemia. Nettle is a plant that has a mild choleretic effect. Nettle should not be taken by pregnant women, especially in the later stages, because of its negative effect on uterine tone. Nettle is also dangerous with increased blood coagulation. With bleeding, this plant should be used with caution, this is due to the fact that, not knowing the causes of the disease, you can miss valuable time and this will lead to irreversible consequences. Nettle is used in folk medicine for menstrual irregularities (increased blood loss), uterine bleeding. In the postpartum period, under the influence of nettle, the contraction of the uterus increases, the tone and amplitude increase. Previously, this plant was included in the pharmacopeias of different countries, including European countries, and was very widely used in the treatment of certain diseases.
Talk about garlic. The composition of the drug Allochol includes garlic (namely its extract).
His bulb contains a little essential oil, which gives it a peculiar smell and causes lacrimation. The main component of the essential oil is diallyl disulfide. Garlic also contains volatile and bactericidal substances, garlic includes thiocyanic acid, polysaccharides, iodine, thiamine, ascorbic acid. It is believed that it has an anthelminthic and anti-sclerotic effect, takes part in intestinal disinfection, and is used in folk medicine for diarrhea and dysentery. He is also considered an anti-cancer drug that can prevent the harmful effects of poisons on the body. Garlic is applied to places of bites of wasps, bees and other insects. The beneficial effect of garlic is undeniable.
Garlic also enhances gastrointestinal motility, stimulates the secretion of bile and other digestive juices.
In folk medicine, garlic is often used for colds, since it is able to thin the sputum and facilitate its discharge.
It is known that garlic stimulates the activity of the heart and even dilates the coronary vessels.
Garlic (the preparations of which it is included) in herbal medicine is prescribed to suppress the process of decay in the intestines.Interestingly, allicin (a substance that has bactericidal properties is formed by the mechanical destruction of garlic cells) is able to slow down the growth of bacteria already at a dilution of 1: 125,000, which allows us to talk about it as an antimicrobial substance. As a bactericidal and reducing the severity of inflammatory phenomena, it is used for diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. There are many recipes for traditional medicine for the use of garlic. However, it is necessary to remember about those cases when it should not be used to treat certain diseases.
Garlic should not be used in patients with a stomach ulcer. It can cause exacerbation of gastritis. Garlic should not be used by people on sugar-lowering therapy or using anticoagulants. Garlic juice when used externally, applied to the affected area can cause irritation and maceration.
The third component of Allochol is dry bile (taurocholic, deoxycholic bile acids). It contains bile acids, which contribute to the emulsification of fats and help the absorption of them and vitamins (fat-soluble) in the intestinal lumen. This component of the drug increases the amount of bile secreted due to an increase in its production by hepatocytes of the liver. The bile contained in Allochol increases the content of cholates in the bile produced by the body, which means that the likelihood of cholesterol precipitation decreases.
The composition of the drug includes activated carbon, it has been known for many years as a sorbent that has mild adsorbing properties and binds toxins. In addition, it reduces bloating. Sorbents - they are also called local antidotes - are designed to adsorb harmful or toxic substances and thus prevent them from being absorbed into the digestive tract. But it is prescribed not only for a variety of poisonings, but also for dyspeptic symptoms or bloating (flatulence). Previously, it was used even with high acidity.
Allochol according to the ATC classification, it refers to drugs used in biliary pathology. It refers to choleretics, that is, means that increase the production of bile, increase its separation (Mostoviy Yu.M., 2006) How does it exert a choleretic effect? Preparations of this group are also called true choleretic (Okorokov A.N., 2005). It improves the bile secretory ability of hepatocytes (liver cells). This drug is able to improve the secretion of bile, reduce inflammation of the biliary tract and even reduce the likelihood of sediment formation in the gallbladder with the formation of cholesterol stones.
An increase in the flow of bile into the intestines of the patient leads to an improvement in its contractile motor function and a greater excretion of digestive juices. Based on this, the digestion and absorption of fats, the process of digesting food, are also improved. The drug prevents the fermentation process in the intestinal lumen, reduces its bloating. By increasing the secretion current through the bile ducts Allochol and other drugs of the true choleretic group prevent the occurrence of an ascending infection and the spread of inflammatory phenomena. Active substances Allohol so selected that their therapeutic effects are mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing.
What guides the attending physician, choosing which particular choleretic should be prescribed to a particular patient in a particular situation? After all, even if you have been prescribed this medicine once, the next time it may not help or even harm. The first factor, of course, is the phase of the disease - exacerbation or remission. Also, when using choleretic with, say, cholecystitis, it is necessary to pay attention to concomitant diseases, for example, hypotonic or hypertensive dyskinesia.At the beginning of an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, spasmodic choleretic drugs can be prescribed, after stopping it, choleretic drugs that have an antimicrobial or anti-inflammatory effect in their spectrum of action. Sometimes drugs can be prescribed in combination, rather than sequentially. Toward the end of the course of treatment, other drugs may be prescribed, and with a decrease in the tone of the biliary tract, cholecystokinetics will be chosen.
PharmacokineticsThe process of absorption of the active substances of the drug Allochol occurs in the intestine, then it is partially reabsorbed. Excretion occurs with feces.
IndicationsAmong pathological conditions in which inclusion in the treatment regimen may be necessary AlloholThe following should be mentioned. This is a chronic cholecystitis. Different severity of biliary dyskinesia without spasm of the sphincter of Oddi. Also Allochol can be used in patients with removed gall bladder for the treatment of developing stool disorders and poor digestion after surgery. In the treatment of constipation associated with a decrease in intestinal tone and cholesterosis of the gallbladder (CKP), when cholesterol and other lipids accumulate in its wall.
Do not use allohol:
• if there is hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug (even if a reaction of this kind arose once upon a time, the drug that caused it should not be prescribed);
• hepatitis of any etiology;
• gallstone disease (cholelithiasis);
• mechanical or subhepatic jaundice;
• in the case when the sphincter of Oddi is cramped, the evacuation of bile is disrupted, and an increase in its number leads to increased pain and other unpleasant consequences;
• with acute pancreatitis;
• during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (it should be remembered that the active substances of Allochol cause an increase in the secretion of digestive glands);
• with acute enterocolitis.
Concomitant use with other drugs
The combined use with other drugs of the choleretic group determines the synergistic effect and the effect of Allohol amplified. The combined use of the drug with laxative drugs - eliminates constipation (constipation). In combined use Allohol and fat-soluble vitamins their best (vitamins) absorption occurs in the human body. Also, the effect of antibacterial agents increases when they are prescribed in combination for the treatment of pathology that occurs in the biliary tract or liver (microbial nature). Allochol Do not use with drugs, which include aluminum, and with sorbents, as they reduce its absorption.
PrecautionsDuring pregnancy or lactation Allochol may only be prescribed by a doctor if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the child / fetus. Allochol with caution is prescribed for urolithiasis (stones in the bladder, kidneys). At the same time, the drug can be taken by car drivers, people managing various mechanisms. It does not cause inhibition of reactions.
Mode of application. DosesFor adults Allochol usually 1-2 tablets are prescribed 3-4 times a day after meals; the course of treatment is 1 month. If the main symptoms of the disease have been eliminated, it is recommended to take the drug in the lowest dose for 1-2 months, namely 1 tablet 2-3 times a day after meals. However, a course of treatment for 2 months can also be immediately prescribed (Okorokov A.N., 2005). The course of treatment can be repeated several times a year, taking a break between them for 3 months.
OverdoseWhen used in high doses prescribed by a doctor for a long period, abdominal discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, and skin itching are possible.During laboratory tests, an increase in AlAT and AsAT can be detected. Actions in these cases: stop taking the drug; take the sorbent.
Adverse reactionsAllergic reactions may develop, especially in people prone to them.
So, Allochol occupies its niche in the complex treatment of biliary tract diseases, is also a relatively inexpensive drug (the amount of money spent on a course of treatment). It is worth noting once again that Allochol refers to over-the-counter drugs, however, it must be remembered that self-medication is unacceptable and you should always consult a doctor.